Why your donation support matters

How your Donations Help

Jericho Youth Services has always been focused on including everyone in our programs, but we mainly think of the low to moderate income families that may have extra barriers when it comes to participating. To finance our initiatives we mainly rely on funding from various sources such as the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries, United Way Greater Toronto and the Town of Georgina to name a few. The rest is made up by our own fundraising and private donations.

As of March last year we were no longer able to do face-to-face fundraising events such as our monthly pre-teen dances, Georgina Bingo and annual Trivia Event, and poof, 14.5% of our revenue disappeared.

But to the right, you can see how you can help make our programs better and put a smile on a child’s face!

Often resources run low when we need more craft supplies, board games and gym/outdoor equipment, things that make after school programs more fun!

We also make sure that we include a lot of fruits and vegetables in our healthy snacks each week, and rising food costs have also made it more difficult to put a variety of snacks together.

We would love your support, whether it is $5 or $100, it all helps improve our services.

Thank you kindly.

Tax receipts are issued for donation of $20 or more.

How Your Donations Help Us

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